Now why would this adorable, completely decent dog seen below reside in a post about me talking trash? (Although, for no reason whatsoever, please note how this magnaminous mammal's large, pointy ears are strangely planted firmly against his precious little head.)
This adorable outfit was made by the one-and-only Jen Stafford, Sewing Queen Extraordinare.
And here's the complete disgusting damage:
Here he is trying his best to look cute and guilty at the same time.
I thought he might DO more in these videos, but at least you get to see actual evidence supporting his guilt and crime.
Look how frantic and overcome he is with immense shame!!!
His punishment--a BATH!
But after he gets out of the bath, he goes Bah-Zerk.
(Apologies for the wonky filming, I could hardly keep him in view!)
Also, he, of course, was a lot more calm and stationary once I started filming him.
Now here he is, nice and shiny and, most importantly, non-germy!
And as a bonus--Mackenzie's toes!
He really does look sorry here, I think. Or maybe he's just a great manipulator?
Wait, here comes his last defense...
Okay, okay. You win, Charlie. You're off the hook--this time.