Wednesday, December 23, 2009
We Wish You a 'Hairy' Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Holiday Merriments
This is a video of our quick snowflake extravaganza in St. George. I wish it could've gone on much longer, but it was beautiful, and I'm so glad I got to see it and film it.
As a bonus, our neighbor unknowingly walked into the shot. I didn't mind, but he seemed to feel a tad bad. No harm done. I never know what to say anyhow as it is.
Here's a gnomeman that started out as a bunny, which turned in a tiny snowguy, which turned into a bird, which turned into a penguin, which turned into...a melting lump of nothingness. Fun stuff.
Here's a picture I've grown quite fond of. It's the St. George temple at night, with the Christmas lights reflected in the wet walkway.
Didn't turn out so grand, but here's a cute light display of carolers. Cool.
Here's outside of the temple gates. I loved how many lights there were in such a small space. Very pretty!
Well, that's it for now! Aren't you shocked? I updated again, and it was sooner than 2 or 3 months!!!!!!!!! >8oD
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Let it St. George.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I Turned Him into a Newt
Gotta love the vibrant-orange pumpkins I'm gently caressing.
Also, I'm not wearing the blood red nail polish, fake, glittery-tipped eyelashes, a neat metal necklace with links and balls, witch make-up, and huge spider-webby earrings in these--which I most certainly will for Friday/Saturday and possibly other days too!
I'm so blasted excited for Halloween!! Hey, who isn't?!
Just so ya'll know, I'm going all out for dressing up starting next week (the 26th-30th), so I hope to post a couple pics or so for each Red Ribbon Week theme day. If I forget, remind me so I can! Hope everyone has a lovely week!
...but remember, If you do me wrong, you'll be next on my menu! Heheheheheheh! < ) ;^D
Friday, October 9, 2009
30 "Firsts"
I never got...or had to go.
2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? first love was in California when I was like 5, so, no.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
I've never drank said liquid.
4. Who was your FIRST kiss?
My very first love. I remember it being more of a hunt down for this poor boy and cornering him in the sitting room at church were I laid a big wet, slobberly one on his quivering cheek. (I pray it wasn't his mouth. Maybe I wisely blotted it from my memory?)
5. What was your FIRST job?
I'd have to say cleaning houses for three months (I quit as soon as college started for me) for Home Pros Clean Team. It was mostly fun, sometimes way exhausting. I met some way nice/way picky/way overly-lavish rich people that way. One had a TV IN their fridge door, with a huge screen TV feet away in the next room. Good holy crapness!
6. What was your FIRST car?
98 Saturn SW She runs great and was a super-great deal!
7. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Haven't had the pleasure yet.
8. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Psh, like I remember that and from the MORNING. Um, either me or my mentor teacher. Not so sure.
9. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mrs. Sunberg (Sadly, I can't think of her name! I think this is it.)
10. Where was your FIRST apartment or place of your own?
The first place of my own really was a multi-colored kiddie tent from Ikea. Not kidding. I LURVED that piece of 80-licious fabric and plastic black poles. It literally was my little sanctuary. I slept in it a lot too!
11. Your FIRST ride on an airplane?
17 years old from Las Vegas to Honolulu
12. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
I'd say Michelle Anderson., not really.
13. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
The first one I remember was sleeping over at one of my friends when I was 5. Her name was Marin.
14. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
Me madre or myself.
15. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
Never really been IN a wedding. I was a kind of a server at my Uncle Nephi's when I was 8.
16. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Sleep in too much as usual...
17. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Um...I guess Jericho's Road
18. FIRST tattoo?
I used to get tattoos all the time in California. They sold them with a piece of gum from the ice cream truck. Those were the days! All those tattoos were creepy/gross themed. I specifically remember one of them being maggots coming out of the skin. They were SO dang awesome! The setback was they were temporary and hurt exceedingly when they started coming off soon after. The sticky residue of the tattoo pulled the hair on my arms/legs. That hurt SO bad. I hated that.
19. FIRST piercing?
When I was 17 I think. Yep, I never wanted/was interested in earrings. Now I can't get enough of them!
20. FIRST foreign country you've been to?
Never been as of now.
21. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
Wow, I dunno. Good question. Dang, still can't think of many bombarding my mind right now. I'm just gonna say Batman because that movie changed the way I saw movies. Man did I love (and still do) the Joker.
22. When was your FIRST detention?
I've never gone. I kept any detention-worthy comments/actions out of school for the most part.
23. What was the FIRST state/province you lived in?
24. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Lisa, my big sis
25. What was your FIRST "bad" word?
I don't know. Maybe "damn?" It slipped out when I was like 7 or something. I was banging on the bathroom door and told my older brother to, "open the [dang] door!"
26. What was your FIRST broken bone?
I really haven't broken any yet. I'll say chunks of my jaw bone from getting my wisdom teeth yanked out.
27. When did you lose your FIRST tooth?
Have no clue. Maybe 5?
28. If you had one FIRST wish, what would it be?
This is an incredibly stupid, vague question. I guess I'd wish I could see my grandma one more time and just hug her for as long as I could, while she talked softly to me with her reassuring, irreplaceable voice. I regret not doing this more often.
29. What is something you would learn FIRST if you had the time?
Still don't quite get what this is asking. Maybe it's just me? Ummmm...learn how to decorate cakes semi-professionally-ish!
30. Who do you think will be the FIRST person to post this?
I'm thinking my super-awesome mom will.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Mostly Musings of an Adolescent in Bondage
Now, I can be a pretty shy person. In many ways, I'm not really, but most people see me as one. In reality, I'm not a "Little Miss Quiet" or whatever. I easn't really like that at all. Anyone who really knew me would say I loved to laugh, joke, watch movies, act like a moron, be completely random, and play various videogames. Yes, even the ones with guns and varying degress of blood. But in school, we tend to "be" what were not. So I guess this was it. I had finally got put in detention for the first time. I was a good student. I never ditched. I never did any of that "rebelling kid" crud. I was one of the quiet kids.
Carefully, I opened the door, trying to eliminate any sound so none of the kids would look up and see me as I came in. Success! I had managed to turn and hold the knob enough so the lock majigger wouldn't stick out and click on the door frame as I opened it. Yeah, I know it's not really called "lock majigger," but my mind wasn't deeply concerned with using appropriate door mechanism jargon at the moment. Excuse me if some lock or door mechanism lover just cried or died a inside from my uncouth phraseology. Right now, I was heavily focused on not having people look at me when I came in. I hate it when they do. That's about when I start to either ardently loathe or admire every last invisible superhero out there. Lucky punks.
I managed to slip into the room fairly unnotice. A couple looked up and gave me bored, indifferent stares. Hurry and sit down before more look up! I silently urged myself. I really hope no one recognizes me...I made it to an empty desk with the usual amount of left over graphite smears tatooing its chipped surface. It was on the second to last row, third desk from the back. I did not feel like sitting close to a man who had to baby-sit twenty or so troubledoers. Crap! My stupid backpack betrayed me before I had successfully stealthed my way to the desk. One of the backpack straps had caught on an unsuspecting chair.
I recognized one of the kids looking around at me. My heart stopped beating. I knew those calm light blue eyes anyplace. Not to mention his cute, short, red hair. It was my one-side crush: Eric Vance. My face was turning into a deformed tomato that could easily place in any mutant vegetable fair.
No! No. Please don't. Not right when he's looking at you! Not now. Get a hold of yourself or I'm gonna punch you in the face!
I wasn't sure if I should look away or pretend I didn't notice that my face was on fire. Finally, I felt my wretched capillaries in my face settle down. He had only looked around at me for a couple seconds, but I felt like it had been much, much longer--like his blue- eyed, pale face was still hovering right in front of my desk. Good crimany! That sounds incredibly demented. My face continued to tingle, reminding me, shamefully, of how I had resembled someone with a terrible sunburn upon their face that mysterious vanished. I felt dizzy and nauseous.
It doesn't matter anyways. He doesn't lke you. He's never liked you. He never will like you, so move on and quit freaking out! He's probably wondering what I'm doing in here. I'm pretty sure he knows I'm a good student. Yeah right...I really doubt he's thinking about you. I never know. Oh yes you do! Come on already!
I looked up again. I didn't know that guy's name with the spiky black hair sitting in the row in front of me, two desks to the right, but I knew he was a jock or in the somewhat-a-jock's group at least.
I looked up again. I didn't know that guy's name with the spiky black hair sitting in the row in front of me two desks to the right, but I knew he was a jock or in the somewhat-a-jock group at least. He was kinda cute, but I didn't really care for him. He never looked at me and when he did, he still wasn't really looking at me.
I didn't understand this 'unspoken' rule revered by many and abhorred by many others. Why in the world couldn't I freely talk to this guy without worrying of feeling like a circus freak gawked at from every angle while all of my shortcomings and insecurities were pointed out instantly with one passing glance from a jock or cheerleader type? I hated it. I couldn't stand feeling like that, how I felt right now in every last cell's obtusely-shaped corner located in my slowly-sinking-through-the-weird-school-tile-floor body. But he was still dang hot.
Curse his incredibly white, straight smile and narrow, hotly-pointed nose and chin! Don't you dare think of getting me started on his deep emerald eyes… Please don't get me started on those jade orbs containing captured stars, shining just for me…though, somehow, he'd never yet said so much as a "hi" to me.
My head became dizzy from the overwhelming fuzzy, hot stupidness, that most high school crushing infects your brain with an expertly-applied covering, briefly suffocating all crevices devoted to the logical, smart leanings I sometimes allow to momentarily pass into action when thinking clearly enough in my brain. It was so utterly blissful and freeing. Too bad it was a pathetic hallucinatory hope--but it was mine! Freakin' hurrah for me…
I scowled at no one, at thin, extremely boring air. Still, I did not know why in this sorry, stinking world I had to be forced to endure endless torture in this small, starting-to-smell room. I couldn't fathom that this had really happened--to me! This wasn't me. I was innocent! I was a good kid! I--
Then the male teacher who was watching us and who's name I couldn't remember spoke: "Listen, I'm going to leave the room for a couple minutes. I don't want anyone leaving this room or talking. I'll be back in no more than five minutes. If I find out that anyone was out of their seat or talking, you'll be spending two more weeks in here with me for two hours after school each day Monday through Friday without question. Okay?"
The room muttered some form of the response 'yes', and the thirty-something-year-old babysitter with wrinkled corduroys and a fake, confident smile squeaked his way out of our midst in ugly brown sandals. The sandals had two squeaks. The first was higher, and the second was lower. The shoes seemed to be announcing proudly to everyone within hearing distance in a creaky squeak, "I'm lame. I'm lame. I'm lame. I'm lame." I nodded my head boredly in agreement. As soon as he was gone, most of the class was walking around the room, talking to anything that moved, and some were even slipping out of the not-even-fully-closed door.
I pulled out some homework. I didn't want to be here, but I wasn't about to rebel anymore. I struggled through a worksheet about some Greek Mythology. Boring. Just when I was convinced the whole planet would stop rotating do to the lack of anything remotely interesting occurring in this classroom, I noticed my best friend a couple rows away, chatting with some girls. Hallelujah!
Just as I was, for whatever reason, discreetly exiting my chair and making for my friend, the door opened and the babysitter reappeared. I abandoned the attempt and lowered my head in defeat. As he sluggishly squeaked back to the desk, the door opened with a loud door-opening sound and the escapees swept back to their chairs. He heard them. He saw them. He was looking directly at them, but made no indication he had.
"All right, please put away all of your homework (I stifled a deadly snort from erupting through my nose and throat.) and textbooks. It's almost time to go for today." Suddenly the student corpses reanimated with incredible agility and vigor. (It's aliiiive!) We hovered anxiously behind our desks. C'mon, it's only one more minute, be a human for once and show us just one act of compassion!
"Let my people go," I muttered as quietly as a female 15 year-old possibly can. That stupid black-haired spiky jock turned around slowly. My face melted from the bright white straightness of those teeth.
Oh how I deeply love detention. It wasn't that bad at all, and at least the teacher was a nice guy and never annoyed anyone, especially me. Did I mention that detention is way underrated? I couldn't believe how fast time had flown by in those two hours. The bell rang. Every student body galloped through the metal door. What's the rush?! This wasn't that bad. I could spend hours in here dancing and spinning in idiotic circles. Detention was the greatest invention in the world. He smiled at me with his teeth, lips, dimples, and teeth!!
I skipped with joyful glee, trying to give that wonderful teacher a embrace of warmest regard, though somehow his name escaped me. He had brought me and this black-haired angelically-smiling being together. That amazing man squeaked by after the last person had fled this precious, precious room. I lowered my head in respect to the great room I was privileged enough to reside in for a short period of time. I decided at that moment I must research and find out who had come up with the idea for detention and pray he or her was survived by a relative or family member--or pet. I must pay my respects without any hesitation.
Gliding out of that room, I saw my prince standing outside the door--waiting for me! I hesitated, his presence intimidated me. Then that blasted sensible side of my brain gasped for air. My one true lover was not alone. A harlot had her arm and body draped over him, her lips worked furiously, like a bottom feeder with a severe case of Tourette's Syndrome.
I stared in heartbroken realization. I remembered the annoying babysitter again and the terrible, terrible prison cell. I wish somehow detention could have magically transformed into a guy--that jock to be precise. Better yet, why not that stupid jock? How I wished to thrust my right leg upward and cause them to howl as both keeled over in ashamed, but dutiful, defeat.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
An Epic Harry Potter Meme
Also, a quick note: meme (mēm) n. A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
Thank you,!

List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
Man, this is too hard! I'm sure I'll disagree with this in time...but...
1.Deathly Hollows
2.Half Blood Prince
3.Order of the Phoenix
4.Goblet of Fire
5.Prisoner of Azkaban
6.Philosopher's Stone
7. Chamber of Secrets
List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
For me, they really seem to improve with each one.
1.Half Blood Prince
2.Order of the Phoenix
3.Goblet of Fire
4.Prisoner of Azkaban
5.Chamber of Secrets
6.Philosopher's Stone
Favorite chapter from your favorite book?: "The Prince's Tale--bar-frikin'-none.
Top 5 favorite characters?
How in the world can I narrow it down to three?! There's at least 20-30 I want to put!
1.Severus Snape
2.Luna Lovegood
3.Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
4.Harry Potter
5.Lily Potter
Five least favorite characters?
Maybe I'm just slow, but does this mean characters that are bad/evil and/or characters that just bug me--bad or good? Um, I'll go with characters that bug me.
1.Dolores Umbridge
2.Rita Skeeter
3. Vernon Dursley
4.Bellatrix Lestrange
5.Zacharias Smith
Favorite member of the Golden Trio?: Ah, man, I love 'em all. I'll say Harry. He doesn't get enough love.
Favorite family?:The Weasley Family--Heck yes!
Favorite antagonist?: Either Snape or Voldemort
Favorite Death Eater?:Severus Snape
Three favorite spells?
1.Expecto Patronum
2.Animagus Transfiguration
3.Bond of Blood
Three favorite potions?
1.Felix Felicis
2.Polyjuice Potion
Five favorite quotes:
Bah! Could they make this any harder?!
1."You've been so brave."
2."Look at me."
3."Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."
4.""Well, usually when a person shakes their head," said McGonagall coldly, "they mean 'no.' So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans --"
5.“What's comin' will come, an' we'll meet it when it does."
Favorite non-Hogwarts magical building?
The Ministry of Magic--particulary the Department of Mysteries
Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Honeydukes Sweetshop or The Three Broomsticks
Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
Avada Kedavra
Favorite mode of wizard transportation?
Broomsticks or Thestrals
Favorite Weasley?
Favorite Order Member?
Severus Snape
Favorite DA Member?
Darn. Hard to choose.
Neville Longbottom or Luna Lovegood
Favorite pet?
Favorite Hogwarts room?
The Great Hall or the Room of Requirement
Favorite Hogwarts professor?
Remus Lupin
Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?
Harry. (Sorry, Cedric. Harry had to put up with a lot of flack in that book--even though you kinda died...)
Favorite house elf?
Kreacher! Dobby's okay, but not super developed.
Favorite wizard sweet?
Fizzing Whizbees
Favorite couple?
Ron and Hermione or Snape and Lily (I don't think they really became a couple, but yeh know, it was a sweet relationship/friendship they had.)
Biggest surprise of the series?
Probably Moody's true identity at the end of Goblet of Fire or Harry's or Fred's death. Or...Nagini camping out in Bathilda Bagshot
Biggest letdown of the series?
Hm. I dunno... I don't think I was really ever let down. Not finding out more about "the locked room" or the "death veil" in The Department of Mysteries was a bummer. I was dying to hear all about that.
One character you wish lived?
Snape. But at the same time, he was so miserable and didn't seem to have anything left to live maybe death was sort of necessary for him. He could finally "relax" and not spend his life living as a double-agent. Or Fred. That was way sad! Dang I hated having any of the Weasleys die. Or Dumbledore or Sirius. Yep, that's only one...
Moment that will always make you cry?
It's weird. I cry a lot sometimes, but hardly EVER from a book or movie. I had to really get into the book (the last one) the second time to tear up. That would be when Harry's taking his last walk into the forest. The narrative is absolutely beautiful and heart-breaking.
Your Patronus would be______?
I wish I knew! Perhaps a doe?
Three things Amortentia would smell like to you:
Straight-out-of-the-oven homemade bread, freshly-fallen rain, and very old book pages
You would use Felix Felicis to______?
I have no clue! Save it for a rainy day, perhaps? Or, as someone else said, to win a lottery, but I don't really want that much money. It'd be overwhelming and weird sorta. I don't need THAT much. Maybe a small lottery? :D
Job you would most like to try?
Not sure. Never really thought of it ... Probably a professor and/or writer? Maybe taking care of magical creatures?
Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
Ron/Hermione! Are so many people that blind and deaf?!
James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
James/Lily as a couple and Lily/Snape as very good friends
Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
Very much so. But at the same time, they are too different and unique to compare. But I much prefer Harry Potter over Twilight when it comes down to it.
Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theaters?
Already seen it 3 times
Do you own the books/movies?
Have you ever played any of the video games?
No, not really.
Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
Freakin' heck yes!
How about a rat?
Um, maybe.
Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
Yes! I love them. Especially the 1st, and 4th-6th
Which house would you want to be in?
Gryffindor Not sure if I'd really get in, but yeah...
Do you like Draco?
Um, in some ways. He's good as a antagonist/bully of sorts. So to speak, he gets the job done. He's really a jerky character, but he's not completely evil. Just raised to be predjudiced and arrogant to those different than him. He's not exactly plesant--especially in the first four books. But he starts fleshing out as a real young man with a terrifying mission to complete. This makes me like him and sympathize for him.
Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
Um, if I'd been previously going to Hogwarts for 6 years, maybe.
Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
Uh, if I lived in London...sure.
What class would be your favorite?
Care of Magical Creatures, DADA, and Transfiguration
Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
Fo' sho!
I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did filling it in. I'd love to read yours too!
*hint* *hint*
*wink* *wink*
*stab* *stab*
*shoot* *shoot*
*impale* *impale*
*disfigure* *disfigure*
...Okay, I'll stop.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My Newfangled Lorgnette (a.k.a My New Glasses)
To summarize the journey and happenings which took place there, we both got eye appointments. Mackenzie picked out her glasses AFTER me (I had been looking for a half hour or more already). It took her 15 minutes to choose, and it took me 2 hours. In my defense, I stink at deciding/picking out most solid matter of value. Also, Mackenzie's very glasses savvy and knows the different styles, brands, and so on. She kind of knew what she wanted, at least far more than I did. Me, I was incredibly clueless--except I knew I didn't want just plain ol' wire frames ever again. I wanted plastic frames--and somewhat chunky. That helped me slightly, but I had no idea 90 or more percent of the frames were plastic there. In conclusion, it was so giddily fun and hopelessly maddening trying to find the glasses that were, to quote The Three Bears, "just right."
At last, after driving everyone in slight vicinity from me nuts with my incessant hesitation and which-is-the-right-frame-for-me? confusion, I was basically convinced with which glasses fit me the best. I couldn't be happier with them. I really liked them when I picked them out, but, because I had to run to a meeting, I couldn't pick them up until the next day. Garbage!
So the next morning, I was excited and filled with trepidation. I couldn't wait to seize my very own awesome spectacles, but I kept feeling unsure and uneasy. "Did I pick out too flashy or bold glasses for my taste or wearability?" I couldn't help ask to myself and aloud to all who were present. After putting them on for the first time, though I loved how the glasses looked, I kept feeling unsure about how they really looked on me. But, as the day wore on, I couldn't believe how much the glasses seemed to fit me: unique and reflective...okay, that was a lame pun.
In short, I seem to suck incredibly at quickly picking out glasses, but thanks to Mackenzie, Bree Squires and their limitless patience and struggle to keep their sanity, I was able to pick out the coolest glasses I've ever seen and never thought I'd own, let alone, be able to wear.
Well (this is for mainly Lisa) you be the judge. But if you even try to diss my glasses, I shall incinerate the very fabric of your soul:

Monday, July 6, 2009
Mary Anneology: The Study of...Me
I saw this questionaire thing on Mackenzie's blog, so I thought I'd give it a whirl:
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch, poppy seed or that exquisite rasberry vinegerette one in the pre-maid Hearty Italian salad kit.
How many televisions are in your house? Two.
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-handed
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No way. I'd spend the rest of my life waiting, worrying, and not living, so to speak, if I knew. Plus, I really don't think it'd do any good, and I don't think anyone's supposed to know unless "privileged" enough.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? I dunno. I think like four.
Do you always answer your phone? Most of the time. Sometimes, because I can see who's calling me without answering, I wisely do not comply.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Attack of the Killer Tomato Worms!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Managed to Clear My
I'll try to post something soon--"something" being the keyword, mind.
Here's something else to occupy you in the meantime:
Um, you're welcome?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Write or Wrong--You Tell Me.
A young girl encased in a lime green bathrobe nestled against a couch's corner, her feet and body wrapped in folds of a sixteen-year old 101 Dalmatians comforter. The once vibrant red now pinkish orange material constricted further as her right hand slid down determinedly and secured a loose corner under her right foot. She yawned. Her exposed teeth gleamed dully from a late night TV show's ghostly grey light. The leather coach squeaked, groaned as her form sank further, further into depths of deliciously warm fabric.
A commercial selling greasy, slowly-rotating pizzas began. Her fingers and chin bobbed absently to the muted jingle about "2 pizzas for 10 bucks" while fists of 10 dollar bills and grinning families in well-furnished kitchens with immaculate dinners flashed across the small square screen. Another followed featuring a natural male-enhancement pill. Her lips and brows wrinkled downward over the ridiculous, distasteful innuendo.
Her sluggish, undecided thumb surrendered of locating a watchable program and switched off the jumbled images with a silent click. Black exhaustion lowered her into arms of waiting dreams. Her mouth became lax, a black void drawing air in…out…in…out…
A tall shadow crept through her closed eyes. A worn sole shuffled over laminate wood.
Charlie? She wondered with petrified hope. No ten year-old dog's paws made that noise but a large person, casually, the presence silent and thick as fog.
Her chest kept her frantic heart from escaping. Her breathing cut off. She refused to see.
Nothing was there. Nothing was there. Nothing was there. Nothing was th—! A whispering of smooth, light fabric brushed leisurely back-and-forth, like solidifying vapor. Closer…closer…closer…closer…closer…
The floor she cowered by creaked deliberately. She felt the presence of something, felt the air in front of her occupied. Someone was standing there. Watching her. Waiting.
"Dad? Mom?" she jerkily cracked. Why weren't they saying anything? This wasn't her parents. She knew their footsteps: a heavy shuffle or quiet, dry sweep of heels. This was another’s.
Her mind shrieked at her legs, Run! Get away! The waterless mouth struggled to function. What could she do? Her arms clenched each other. She wrenched open her quivering eyelids. A thin silhouette waited.
Knowing, quiet omnipotence.
"Hello, Elenore." A fluttering, soft noise.
The blanket and feet yanked back from the sound. The remote control, laid to rest for the night, catapulted off the armrest into thick ebony silence. Her mouth gaped.
A desiccated chuckle.
"Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help." Her whispered words lost in juddered breaths.
A smooth voice. "No need to fear. I won’t kill you tonight."
She shrunk from the response. Her chest squeezed air into frozen lungs and heart.
"Wh—what—who are you!?"
"I couldn't tell you, really. I'm fashioned from fear," a deliberate, heavy hesitation, "yours, actually. I’m unattached to any bonds of existence, yet your imagination and fear insist I…linger." The girl's pupils contracted. Her eyelids drew back, disbelieving.
"I'm awake so how can I see you?"
The floating voice paralyzed the girl. Each word cut, slowly, deeply, carefully into her skin, seeping, searing into her bones. Blood slogged icily through veins and heart.
The young girl could feel boundless euphoria and a ringing note of reverence swell forth from the shadow with the next words: “How fortunate and rare you truly are to be selected by me." She recoiled, clutching at cushions, blanket, moisture between her fingers.
She feared the response before the question entered her thoughts, "What do I…What's my fear look like?"
"An odd, unwise notion to pursue. However, if you insist. A peculiar, rather delicious image.” He was surveying a great, succulent feast with those words. The higher tone and tempo ripped at her. She clung to the withered edges of the quaking blanket, furling the material around her.
“Fully-ripened fear always looks a deep, dark, old shadow.” He spoke slowly now. Ancient and far away.
“As fear matures and prey weakens, I always step closer to examine, being, of course, understandably incapable of disregarding my maturing curiosity and craving. As I come nearer, I look beneath, past what all other humans see and project. You. I see a crumpled, grey girl child. Scarcely does she raise her head or eyes. Whimpering, whining, weeping always. Her eyes always staring, never closing, never calm. Eyes so hallow, so broken, like an expired light bulb."
"You’re lying." She barely whispered.
"False hope, ludicrous hope usually springs up.” She imagined him waving a hand airily as his tone while he smiled ruefully and shook his head in jest. Then his voice was bubbling acid, “But soon enough I'll ruin it.” Just as abruptly, his voice became as quiet and assuring as each careful step of a feline. “My selections sometimes manage to hold onto a little bit of light that I can distinguish—like you. Each loses this dim glimmer though. Once I find them, I lead each to fade to darkness, utterly absorbed, lost in fear. He paused, breathing measured, peaceful breathes. His words smoothed out and became eager, exultant. “How I look forward to guiding you there soon, Elenore. Watching the little grey figure grow limper, darker. Watching those once shivering fists and arms lie silent, still, welcoming. Seeing—"
"My most sincere apologies, dear sweet Elenore.” Polite. Then, a rapid crescendo of obsession mixed with palpable resonances of jubilation. “I'm getting far too ahead of the agenda, so to speak. There's plenty time left yet to savor those happy moments.” He stopped, smiling wistfully to himself, she imagined. The voice became solemn and longing. “Yes. Those long, delightful moments." He sighed true bliss.
“Well then, until next time, my most extraordinarily fortunate friend." She heard a cold, pleased smile in his farewell as she sunk into the cushions from her body’s weight, limp and cold, unaware another slighter hand also rested upon her still, grey countenance.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Still "Man's Best Friend?"
Our family dog's (Charlie) at it again:
so I didn't yell at him...or murder him.
And yep, he's still walking around with all four limbs.
However, I almost altered his appearance when I had to also clean up sick he'd left earlier this day on the floor. Surprisingly, I didn't think anybody'd really want to see that, so I didn't take a picture of that.
Well, I guess he didn't mean to (I hope!! D:< ) , so I'll forgive him... yet again!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Do Re N' Mi (Translation: Dory and Me)
This is my a'Dory'ble new niece, (you guessed it) named Dory.
I was privileged enough to see her just this last Saturday and Sunday while visiting cousins/family in Glendora, California.
It's the story
of a girl named Dory
Naw, just kidding, but she kinda looks like she is singing in the above pic.
Anyways, I'm so happy I got to finally see my sweet little niece. Thanks Lisa, for flying all the way out there with her so we could all meet and get to know her!
She's a way well-behaved baby, and she has such a beautiful face/smile and quirky expressions. I fell in love with her when she first smiled-which she, thankfully, liked and kept doing!
In case you needed any other reason or argument of why my niece is the most adorable, sweet, and boss baby ever in existence:
Get ready...
Here it comes.
Can you tell yet how much I love to brag about my niece?
Ready to smack me for making you scroll down/wait so much?