Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Turned Him into a Newt

Okay...I really didn't turn some confused British man into a slimy amphibian, but now that I've got your attention, let me show you my most elaborate/favorite costume for All Hallow's Eve yet!
Here's me having a little doggie treat before my daily helping of Batwing Soup, Snake Steak, and Rodd and Todd Flanders Casserole.

Here I'm just contemplating who to bewitch to clean my room and teach my classes for the rest of the week.
Note: This photo has not been altered or resized in any way, shape, or form.
That, folks, is indeed my leg. Maybe the tights make them look that good or maybe it's the nightly walks. Either way, I'm happy.

Gotta love the vibrant-orange pumpkins I'm gently caressing.

Also, I'm not wearing the blood red nail polish, fake, glittery-tipped eyelashes, a neat metal necklace with links and balls, witch make-up, and huge spider-webby earrings in these--which I most certainly will for Friday/Saturday and possibly other days too!

I'm so blasted excited for Halloween!! Hey, who isn't?!

Just so ya'll know, I'm going all out for dressing up starting next week (the 26th-30th), so I hope to post a couple pics or so for each Red Ribbon Week theme day. If I forget, remind me so I can! Hope everyone has a lovely week!

...but remember, If you do me wrong, you'll be next on my menu! Heheheheheheh! < ) ;^D

Friday, October 9, 2009

30 "Firsts"

Who was your FIRST prom date?
I never got...or had to go.

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? first love was in California when I was like 5, so, no.

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
I've never drank said liquid.

4. Who was your FIRST kiss?
My very first love. I remember it being more of a hunt down for this poor boy and cornering him in the sitting room at church were I laid a big wet, slobberly one on his quivering cheek. (I pray it wasn't his mouth. Maybe I wisely blotted it from my memory?)

5. What was your FIRST job?
I'd have to say cleaning houses for three months (I quit as soon as college started for me) for Home Pros Clean Team. It was mostly fun, sometimes way exhausting. I met some way nice/way picky/way overly-lavish rich people that way. One had a TV IN their fridge door, with a huge screen TV feet away in the next room. Good holy crapness!

6. What was your FIRST car?
98 Saturn SW She runs great and was a super-great deal!

7. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Haven't had the pleasure yet.

8. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
Psh, like I remember that and from the MORNING. Um, either me or my mentor teacher. Not so sure.

9. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mrs. Sunberg (Sadly, I can't think of her name! I think this is it.)

10. Where was your FIRST apartment or place of your own?
The first place of my own really was a multi-colored kiddie tent from Ikea. Not kidding. I LURVED that piece of 80-licious fabric and plastic black poles. It literally was my little sanctuary. I slept in it a lot too!

11. Your FIRST ride on an airplane?
17 years old from Las Vegas to Honolulu

12. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
I'd say Michelle Anderson., not really.

13. Where was your FIRST sleep over?
The first one I remember was sleeping over at one of my friends when I was 5. Her name was Marin.

14. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?
Me madre or myself.

15. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
Never really been IN a wedding. I was a kind of a server at my Uncle Nephi's when I was 8.

16. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Sleep in too much as usual...

17. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Um...I guess Jericho's Road

18. FIRST tattoo?
I used to get tattoos all the time in California. They sold them with a piece of gum from the ice cream truck. Those were the days! All those tattoos were creepy/gross themed. I specifically remember one of them being maggots coming out of the skin. They were SO dang awesome! The setback was they were temporary and hurt exceedingly when they started coming off soon after. The sticky residue of the tattoo pulled the hair on my arms/legs. That hurt SO bad. I hated that.

19. FIRST piercing?
When I was 17 I think. Yep, I never wanted/was interested in earrings. Now I can't get enough of them!

20. FIRST foreign country you've been to?
Never been as of now.

21. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
Wow, I dunno. Good question. Dang, still can't think of many bombarding my mind right now. I'm just gonna say Batman because that movie changed the way I saw movies. Man did I love (and still do) the Joker.

22. When was your FIRST detention?
I've never gone. I kept any detention-worthy comments/actions out of school for the most part.

23. What was the FIRST state/province you lived in?

24. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Lisa, my big sis

25. What was your FIRST "bad" word?
I don't know. Maybe "damn?" It slipped out when I was like 7 or something. I was banging on the bathroom door and told my older brother to, "open the [dang] door!"

26. What was your FIRST broken bone?
I really haven't broken any yet. I'll say chunks of my jaw bone from getting my wisdom teeth yanked out.

27. When did you lose your FIRST tooth?
Have no clue. Maybe 5?

28. If you had one FIRST wish, what would it be?
This is an incredibly stupid, vague question. I guess I'd wish I could see my grandma one more time and just hug her for as long as I could, while she talked softly to me with her reassuring, irreplaceable voice. I regret not doing this more often.

29. What is something you would learn FIRST if you had the time?
Still don't quite get what this is asking. Maybe it's just me? Ummmm...learn how to decorate cakes semi-professionally-ish!

30. Who do you think will be the FIRST person to post this?
I'm thinking my super-awesome mom will.