So, what makes you happy? There's so much more I could put down, but these are the ones that most easily come to mind:
Hearing thunderstorms
the sound/smell of rain
the smell of freshly-baked bread
the sound of laughter
making people laugh (on purpose)
reading a book that never lets go or you can't put down
watching a favorite movie or show
all of my family and relatives--especially when we're together and having fun/laughing
my beautiful niece and two handsome nephews
The Gospel
my life and for all that I have
my friends
my jobs
being wacky
making fun of a cheesy movie
playing an amazing game
BBC version of Pride and Prejudice
singing my face off when I'm alone
Razia's Shadow: The Musical
The Beatles
where I live--the scenery
bundling up in a warm, thick blanket
updating my blog (Yes, it occasionally happens)
hearing/singing along to a song I love
eating super-tasty food/treats
eating something someone prepared for me--my mom's/sister's cooking
when people accept me for who I am
writing creatively
my smile and eyes
my health
having time to myself, my our family dogs
the barking bed
the really random-weird laugh my mom and I like to demonstrate on each other
Harry Potter
baby animals
a clean room or car
a clean/primmed me
giving or receiving a hug
being better at something than I thought
facing and overcoming a challenge
quotes (from movies, books, people)
getting Simpson quote texts/calls from James
getting texts from loved ones
talking to my grandpa
calling or getting a call from Lisa, Chelsea or Mom
when the Spirit 'gets' ya'
helping someone and making them feel less stressed after
being called 'Miss Trunnell' by my students
when a student 'gets it'
thoughtful, life-changing comments and notes
my laugh
when I sing with others
when Phil beatboxes
watching The Wonder Years or Pete and Pete with Phil
Gracie barking in her sleep
words--seriously--I love looking at, revising, pondering meanings, origins, and just how they look
decompressing (as Bella would say, "Having a human moment."
looking at someone you know loves you back just as much
weird/funny noises
having my very own computer (thanks to my exceptionally rad mom)
when something/someone cheers me up
when Gracie lays next to or on me or burrows under the blanket with me
making something (edible or crafty) and having it be half-decent
making others happy
making others smile
when a boston terrier 'wags' its tail
being busy--not back-breakingly so
having my own room and bed, having my own car
having enough money to comfortably live and support myself
being myself
knowing what I have the potential to become
reading Lisa's, Chelsea's, and Mom's blogs
reading kid's books
Dr. Suess
dressing up--and for Halloween/for fun too
finding shoes/pants that actually fit me
feeling special (the good kind)
earrings--the more unique the bettah
Nathan's personality and how close we are
reminiscing of when I was a kid or sharing stories from our child as a family
thinking about or seeing my old toys
thinking about my grandma (her laugh, smile, generosity, love) and when she would hold me and rock with me
when things are on sale
and when people read and COMMENT on my blog!
It really is worth it to take a moment and ask yourself what makes you happy. I like it because it helps one learn more about you and see what matters most to you.
Thanks for reading! And remember:
If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy