So, I'm completely new to this, but I (with immense help from my sister) now have a blog. I am not certain as to what exactly will be posted here, but what does come to mind are drawings, short stories, poems, reviews/opinions of movies/books/video/music games, pictures, posts about what I'm up to or what's on my mind, progress on what I'm crocheting, quotes I am fond of or have made up, jokes/puns/and other forms of cheesiness, and anything else that enters into my head.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope to add more to it soon and thereby make it more interesting in the near future.
Until then,
Mary Anne
Random quote: "If the world's a party, I'm the pinata." --Me
A great beginning to what will be a glorious blog I'm sure. Please put some cute pictures of YOU on there! Can't wait to read more from your blog.
The blog looks great! But I agree it needs pictures of Mary Anne on it. Miss ya!
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