Hey! I'm glad I thought to use this AFTER Thanksgiving. I just thought I might as well since Thanksgiving was only two days ago and such. Well, and at least I'm somewhat appeasing my father who opposed the placement of a certain picture of a certain turkey from my last post.

All of these pictures were done with a mouse on MS (Microsoft) Paint when I was in seventh grade. They are all the result of my semi-carpal tunnel. I love how this turkey seems to have no neck. Hehe...
All of these pictures were done with a mouse on MS (Microsoft) Paint when I was in seventh grade. They are all the result of my semi-carpal tunnel. I love how this turkey seems to have no neck. Hehe...
Also, I don't know why I felt this particular pilgrim needed to look like a beatnik or something.
While I'm at it, here's a belated clip you may or may not appreciate or understand for the season: (Hope everyone had a Thanksgiving that was just as eventful and crazy as this!)
For anyone who is viewing my blog that I do not already know or hasn't commented yet, I would absolutely love to hear from any of you. Tell me a little bit about yourself if you want or tell me how crazy my blog is. Whatever you like--I'd be utterly delighted to get any comments from any person! I'm so excited and honored to see people on my blog map who are looking at my blog (hopefully with some enjoyment) from all over the world. I think it's amazing and would love to see their blogs or just know something about them. Thanks a lot, everyone!
For example, if this doesn't seem weird or stalkerish, who are these two viewers? : )
Dalton, GA, United States
Sat, 29 Nov 2008 08:21:11 -0600
Thousand Oaks, CA, United States
Fri, 28 Nov 2008 22:12:44 -0600
Sat, 29 Nov 2008 08:21:11 -0600
Thousand Oaks, CA, United States
Fri, 28 Nov 2008 22:12:44 -0600
Okay, I'll stop...for now.
I love the pictures you drew...so very cute! I also love the clip from one of my all time favorite movies "Addams Family Values." How many times have we watched that silly show? I think we must have it about memorized.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving! Thanks for all you did to help make it fun for the whole family. Getting the tree and lights up was great. Now we can officially welcome the Christmas season in.
I love your computer-art drawings! It is fun to watch you create them too.
Thank you much!
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