Welcome to my humble (French for "super-awesome") abode.

I thought it'd be fun to create themed shelves, so here's a friends shelf for ya'.

And as anyone knows, Giraffes be my favorite creatures, so here's my Giraffe collection.

Here's my Z-Bot (sweet lil' toys from the good ol' days) residing on my TV.

Here's my movie collection:

Next we have my Tim Burton shelf, which I updated quite a while ago. Anyhow, it was so fun putting this together.

Then comes my Harry Potter collection. This too has been updated. Now I have all movies on DVD (only needed the first).

Let's now move on to the pics from my trip to California. Here we have Milo, my aunt's dog. Love that guy. He's adorable.


The following evening, Nathan and I set forth to the Troubadour in L.A. We saw four bands. The first was okay, the second was pretty cool, but kind of scream-y, and the third was just fantastic. All the pictures below are featuring the band The Features. Check 'em out! By the way, most of the pics are of the lead singer because I thought he was pretty cute.

"A child."

Later that week, we visited Sarah and Joey. Below is their dog Jacob named after--oh c'mon--I'm sure you can guess it on your own.
Anyways, Jacob's usually an unusually well-tempered dog, but as seen from the photo, Joey did unfortunately loose his hand that day.

Here's Joey just climbing around on various surfaces.

I'm not huge on poodle-y-looking dogs, but Jacob's just cute and a total sweetheart. No, this does NOT reflect another Jacob--okay, maybe for the movie.

Joey didn't like keeping still, so this was about the best I was gonna get of him.

What Joey's thinking:
I think you've taken PLENTY of pictures...

Introducing (can you take a wild guess) Edward! He's just as lethal and agile as his namesake.

Another one of my cousin's kids, Samantha.

Love this one of my lovely Aunt Mary Anne with Sammy.

Sammy love Milo!

Um, my mom wanted a pic of the boys...this is the result. Not very riveting...

Might as well show off this new lamp I procured! It was only 10 bucks, and it's just perfect for me. The base is a plastic rotating caddy for all my loose items.

Can't help but think of Lampy from the animated disney classic _The Brave Little Toaster_.

Oh yeah, and it even has an electrical outlet BUILT IN, so I can charge my cell phone very easily now.

Uh...don't ask it was late.

I dunno...just being wacky.

I really do adore this lamp...perhaps too much?

1 comment:
Swedish for beef that has been roasted.
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