Do you like to dress up for Halloween? Oh heck--incredibly--yes!
What were you last year for Halloween? A witch--the nice--wart-free kind.
Favorite Costume you have ever worn? Ooh, hard to say. I think when I dressed up as Charlie Chaplin, that was by far the one I got the most comments and praise on. Old people were freaking out over me--in the good way. Also, I really like costumes that think out-of-the-box and are more specific.
Favorite Costume you have ever worn? Ooh, hard to say. I think when I dressed up as Charlie Chaplin, that was by far the one I got the most comments and praise on. Old people were freaking out over me--in the good way. Also, I really like costumes that think out-of-the-box and are more specific.
How do you spend your Halloween? Oh it depends. I don't trick-or-treat anymore, of course. Some years I'll hand out candy/scarecrow-ize myself and scare unsuspecting trick-or-treaters who approach the porch. I'll do whatever I'm in the mood for. Watch a good movie or attend a party--as long as candy makes it into the equation, I shall most assuredly make an appearance.
Have you ever been to a graveyard on Halloween? Negatory. Perhaps I was walking on ancient Indian burial grounds and didn't realize it at the time?
Do you decorate your home on Halloween? Are you kiddin'!? Halloween is one of--if not my most favorite--holidays. I can't get enough of the decorations!!! So yes, I help decorate and add little wacky details and humor or weirdness whenever possible. I decorated the heck out of where I lived last year. Maybe I'll post pictures later of that if anyone's curious.
What's a fun memory you have of Halloween? Being in Alta Loma with my siblings right after finishing for the night, dumping our hoard out onto the carpet to inspect/savor our booty, and bartering with each other over various candy bars and no-name, gross-looking candies (you know what I'm talking about.)
Also, James and I, as our candy-specific taste buds matured further, discovered two seemingly yucky candies that turned out to be scrumdiddlyumptious. One was the Mary Jane taffy, which I had shied away from and extracted from my candy piles for many years before I tasted the light.
Then there was another candy that I don't recall the name of. It was a crunchy little wafer, covered in some white candy and infused with 'real' peanut butter. Again, have NO idea what it was called, but those were dang delish! James if you hear tell of this, please tell me if you remember what I'm talking about.
Well, there's a taste of what I like and remember when it comes to one-of-the-greatest holidays ever.
Now it's your turn! Simply copy and paste all the above and tell us what you remember!!
1 comment:
I have lots of fun memories of Halloween...especially with helping all you kids dress up and taking you trick or treating. Carving pumpkins was always a tradition and the worst memory I have is paying for that stupid dinner of nasty looking and nasty tasting Pumpkin Barf. Oh just thinking about it scares me.
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