Thursday, March 31, 2011

100 Tasty Tidbits Concerning Yours Truly

1. Full name: Mary Anne Trunnell

2. Nickname: Mary Annie, Meatstain, Mat, Bald Obama = )

3. Zodiac Sign: Pisces

4. Male or female: Female

5. Elementary School: Cucamonga Elementry

6. High School: Snow Canyon

7. College: Dixie State College of Utah

8. Hair color: medium brown with blonde highlights

9. Tall or short: sorta tall

11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans, well, depends where I am

12. Phone or Camera: Both?

13. Health freak: Heck no!, but I do love water! It's a constant battle.

14. Orange or Apple: Orange in some cases. Apples in others.

15. Do you have a crush on someone: Maybe sorta

16. Eat or Drink: EAT.

17. Piercings: Ears

18. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi or Coke--but it has to be Cherry.


19. Been in an airplane: Yes

20. Been in a real relationship: Uh, not technically

21. Been in a car accident: Yes

22. Been in a fist fight: Not so much

23. First piercing: Not sure what it's asking. Yes? Ears? When I was 17?

25. First award: Um, I've gotten a lot of awards. Some reason, taking 2nd for a Baton competition comes to mind.

27. First word: Confused

29. Last person you talked to in person: my bro Phil

30. Last person you texted: Nate

31. Last person you watched a movie with: Nate, Phil, and Angie

32. Last food you ate: Apple Straws

33. Last movie you watched: Conviction

34. Last song you listened to: Pretty Down to Your Bones- The Hush Sound

35. Last thing you bought: I think Del Taco

36. Last person you hugged: Mom...half-hugged Alana I think


37. Food: Many varieties. Maybe sushi?

38. Drink: Water, Cactus Cooler, or (most recently) Pomegranite 7-Up

39. Bottoms: Whatever's available and isn't too constricting

40. Flower: Wow! I don't know off the top of my head... Wow! I don't know. I like many types. Anything unique, colorful (like multi-colored even), and tropical ain't not bad either. Roses, lilies, and such too.

41. Animal: Giraffe

42. Color: turquoise

43. Movies: Many. Pride and Prejudice (BBC version), Inception, Dark Knight, Grave of the Fireflies, Stardust, Enchanted, 500 Days of Summer, Stranger Than Fiction, Amadeus, The Secert of Kells, Newsies, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Moulin Rouge, Enchanted, Tangled, Schindler's List, Sense and Sensibility, The Way We Live Now, and many, many, many, many, many more.

44. Favorite subject: English, Band (at one point), Art, and Theater!

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if it applies)

45. [x] Gotten baptized.

46. [x] Celebrated Halloween. What kind of question is that?!

47. [x] Had your heart broken--maybe not in the 'boyfriend way,' but yeah, it sure has

48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

49. [] had someone question your sexual orientation.

51. [] got pregnant.

52. [] had an abortion.

53. [x] Did something you regret.

54. [x] Broke a promise.

55. [x] Hid a Secret.

56. [x] Pretended to be happy. Uh, who HASN'T?!

57. [x] Met someone who changed your life.

58. [] Pretended to be sick

59. [] Left the country.

60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

61. [X] Cried over the silliest thing. I cry over really stupid things.

62. [x] Ran a mile. Hah! Yeah, at SOME point I think...

63. [X] Went to the beach with your best friend. Um, do cousins count?

64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends. Hardly happened.

65. [] Dated someone Sorta, but not quite


67. Eating: I was eating Vegetable Straws

68. Drinking: Welch's White grape, peach, and mango juice

69. Listening: My computer breathe

70.Sitting/Laying: sit-laying

71. Plans for today: Sleep for a while. Ignore my alarm clock for a foolish amount of time. Wake up and be made at myself for going back to bed AGAIN. Get ready and be almost late!

72. Waiting for: My dang tax form to come already!


73. Want kids: In time heck yeah!

74. Want to get married: Indeedy

75. Career: Teaching!


76. Lips or Eyes: Lips are nice and can be very entertaining--looking that is, but eyes are one of the first things I notice and remember. I mean, sorry to be morbid, but what if we didn't have eyes to see but some other way of viewing the world? I think they are one of the most beautiful features of any given face.

77. Shorter or taller: Hm. Tall is good. Taller is kind of wonky. So, it could give on either a tad.

78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both--as long as it's not spontaneous combustion, which could be cool or deadly.

81. Hook-up or relationship: Umm... I guess relationship.

82. Looks or personality: They co-exist. One cannot exist without the other in order for it to work. I'm not saying I'm shallow, but he's gotta catch my eye in a good way, or I'll get that chance to see him in the first place. But personality is more important by far. If he's got a sense of humor, some quirks, can actually make me geniunely laugh, doesn't take himself or life too seriously, and is his own person.


83. Lost glasses/contact: I've lost my glasses...and they were on my face. Scary.

84. Snuck out of a house: Wha? I guess?

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: I got a kitchen knife when my cousin Ryan came over to our house way late.

86. Killed somebody Accidents happen.

87. Broken someone's heart: I dunno. I don't think I'm that "good" or influential, yet?

89. Cried when someone died: Definitely. When my at-the-time best friend texted me that her brother had been killed in an accident, and she called me shortly after. Also, the day I finished my finals for college, I come home to find out my sweet grandma had passed away. I think I shed an inside tear when Jack dies on Red Eye. So lame!


90. Yourself: I give myself the benefit of the doubt--or at least that's what I like to tell myself to mollify me.

91. Miracles: Sure! I finished math in college.

92.Love at first sight: I dunno. I'm sure it exists. I belive in like like at first site. Well, some people just know, but I don't think it's an everyday occurence.

93. Heaven: But of course! There better be or afterlife's gonna be kinda crummy.

94. Santa Clause: Sadly, I did for a little too long. My fourth grade teacher made me re-believe. It was so dang cool, but then Phil had to dash that to pieces-I mean it was probably for the best, but I felt so crappy and stupid.

96. Kiss on the first date: I sure as heck hope not! That sounds like creepercity to me.


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Lots. One in particular, but that's never gonna happen--well, it has in dreams I guess.

98. Do you know who your real friends are: Certainly. And likewise for them.

99. Do you believe in God: How can I not?! Look outside! Look at the mechanics of a human body! I PASSED MY MATH COURSES.

100. Post as 100 truths? I don't quite get this. Yep?

Do your own! 'Tis fun!