Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Guppy Love

Last week, my mom mentioned how she was thinking of getting guppies. I thought that sounded pretty cool, but it seemed that this probably wouldn't happen anytime soon.

Today: My mom now has six guppies. There are three males and three females.

And can I just say, I remember when we had guppies years ago, and they were neat enough, but MAN these new guppies are rad--just plain rad. And crazy-active!

For those who, like me only a short while ago, aren't particularly familiar with guppies, females are larger and less colorful (usually a dull brownish gray with colors on the tail and dorsal fin). Males are smaller, slighter with longer tails and dorsal fins and are very colorful on their entire bodies (think peacocks VS. peahens).

Without further ado I give you:

Here's Pam. She's the prettiest and most popular of the ladies. She has men going after her constantly. She may be incredibly camera-shy, but she can get very feisty and energetic.

Next we have Jim. He's definitely one of the cuter/more attractive males. He and Pam like to hang out, and his favorite hobby seems to be chasing her.

Question: What kind of fish is best?

Answer: Dwight the guppy

This is a very unique guppy. He looks like he belongs in a forest/jungle, hunting down his subordinates. He and Jim like to race each other (no joke) all the time.

Next we have Angela. I don't think this version would be a cat-lover--but who knows? This is by far the most petite of the fish we have. The men do not go after her hardly at all. Furthermore, she's a loner. Everyone else is having fun and going crazy together, but she'll have none of it.

(Apologies for the out-of-focus-ness! Oh, and she has the leopard print like Dwight too--though you can't tell here!)

This is Jim (below) and Toby (above).

Toby is the smallest male, but he's definitely got the most sparkle in his appearance. (I thought, jokingly, mom should have named him Edward due to his sparkle-ness and reddish tail/hair.)

He likes the ladies, but Jim and Dwight so far seem to trump him in that field.

Funnily enough, Toby seems to really go for this next gal.
Who might that be?

Why Meredith of course!

She's very pale--almost translucently so. She has a pretty dark red/orange tail.

What I just realized (and think is funny) is she's in her own little rehab center right now.
The reason: She's preggers...and maybe a little tipsy?

Last but so not least is Snitch!

My own little guppy baby (better known as a fry).

I wish I could've gotten a much clearer picture, but this one (way too early to know if it's male or female) is about as long as the tip of your pointer fingernail.

It got the namesake due to the fact that it's almost impossible to see and pretty fast.

Finally, here's Meredith trying to give a smooch to Toby through her rehab box.

That's it for now!

Tune in to see what happens next and who the next edition to the crew may be.

Soooo many possibilities! ; D


Annette said...

That's such an awesome post!! I love my guppies. So much drama in a tub of water. I don't know why, but I find them so fun to watch. Thanks for sharing my joy!

Chelsea said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I LOVE this. You are so creative, girl! I can't wait to meet these little fish nuggets. They seem fascinating.